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Meeting among soy initiatives about dealing with requirements (asks) and incentives for suppliers in conversion risk landscapes, such as the Cerrado.

This meeting built further on the previous ones by zooming in on asks and incentives for producers and traders in the Cerrado, and what we can learn from the current experiences. How can asks such as legal and conversion-free responsible soy production and increased transparency in the value chain be better matched by incentives such as market access, preferential sourcing, and financial incentives such as premiums and payments for ecosystem services? Work in progress...

Below please see the powerpoints by

Jane Lino (Proforest, for CGF Forest Positive Coalition/Soy Roadmap),

CGF Forest Positive-Soy Roadmap for CSI Meta Meeting

Guilherme do Couto Justo (IDH, for PCI Compacts programme in Cerrado)

IDH on PCI Compacts Cerrado for CSI Meta Meeting

and Karina Berg (WWF Brazil, for Cerrado initiative).

WWF on Cerrado Conservation for CSI Meta Meeting

Organizers: Heleen van den Hombergh, coordinator CSI